Liberty Link Free Training A fun and interactive 8 hour training course. Get certified in Mental Health First Aid. Lunch will be provided. No Children. A five step action plan to help someone developing a mental health concern or in a crisis. Training: -Learn Mental Health First Aid -Lean Risk Factors & Warning Signs -Learn how to be there for friends, family or colleagues -Information on Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, Psychosis and Substance Use For More Information Call: 863-519-0000
Saturday May 20, 2023
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM EDT
Saturday, May 20th 8am-4pm
1150 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Bartow, FL 33830
RSVP by May 17th
Call: 863-519-0000
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Greater Bartow Chamber of Commerce for more information.
510 N. Broadway Ave., Bartow, FL 33830 – (863) 533-7125 –